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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Business Start up Set up

As entrepreneurs, we’re constantly forced to play technology catch-up in an effort to stay connected, informed, and available (to our clients).  It’s mind-spinning to know what we need, where to get it, and how to use it.  So the first thing I’d recommend is to cut through all the clutter and focus first on the basics and build a solid foundation.  

I’m a gadget freak; I grew up as a kid waiting for the future to arrive: it had always seemed just one more year away. My first cellphone [in 1986] cost $3,000 and $1 per minute, but I could envision everyone having the “communicator” like the crew aboard the U.S.S Enterprise had.  

When PDAs were introduced I resisted the urge to buy a Palm — because I knew that a single unit with PDA, phone, and music was just a year away. O.K., so it took a little longer than I expected. But finally, practical, robust, and useful technology is finally here, and affordable — both in mobile apps and web cloud-based services. 

Where to start? 

In part II of this series, we delve into communication systems. project and task management, accounting, and social media management. 

If you missed it, part I is here

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