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Monday, May 20, 2013

Get Stuff Done

Getting stuff done is at the root of any business venture.  It may sound trivial, but many start-ups strategize themselves right out of business because they don’t get stuff done!

Launching a business and turning it into a revenue-generating enterprise is daunting. Becoming self-sustaining and profitable all the more so.  However, that is just the warm-up drill; the real chore is stabilizing, managing, and growing that business in an ever-changing world.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Ready To Get To It

I'm back in Bangalore, India, and raring to get to work! That is one of those statements you'd think you'd never say—like on your death bed, you'd never say, "I wish I spent more time at work!" But I'm not on my deathbed, and I am generally excited about the company I am building with a young team of energetic spirits.